In my first period at Stopp I’ve been working side by side on their new graphic profile and new website. Structured as a web-TV, the site shows videos from Stopp’s big project database one after the other. By clicking on the screen, the user can access all the information about the current project. The top menu gives access to a list of all projects, news, and contact information.
Projects can be navigated by tags or by person. Once a project from a specific list is selected, all videos from that list will be shown before proceeding with a random selection. The back and forward buttons allow the user to go back to a previous page or to skip to the next video.
The site is at it’s second edition, in which we added search, back-forward navigation, videos download and many other features.
- Client: Stockholm Postproduction AB.
- Art Direction, Design: Nicola Smanio.
- Flash Development: Daniel Winberg.
- Information Architecture, Back-end Development: Norbert Täubl.